Delivery Information

 Shipments will be sent to the address entered on our web page during checkout. Bridge City FPV cannot be held responsible if the incorrect shipping address is entered by the customer during checkout. We can only modify a wrong address if customer contacts us before the package is marked as shipped.

We cannot change shipping addresses after the order has been shipped, as the address information you enter is used as part of the fraud checks and fraud prevention.  The shipping address you enter on our web page takes precedence over addresses listed in the order comments or entered in PayPal. If additional fees are required to re-ship packages due to address errors, those fees may be passed on to the customer. UPS cannot ship to PO Boxes. Failure to enter a valid street address may delay your shipment. Bridge City FPV reserves the right to cancel and refund any orders that have indicators showing there is some risk that a stolen credit card is possibly being used.  Paying through PayPal with CONFIRMED address is recommended for new customers purchasing high value items to prevent possible order cancelations or delays.